Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Tinklin' the Ivories

They say everything is cyclic, and that often tends to be true. But periodic function has a lot to answer for, who could have foreseen the re- emergence of flourescent gym socks or Peter Andre?

What with the inevitable fall-out of the economic climate only now starting to come to into focus, what can history teach us? A recent expose of Thatcher's legacy in The Guardian offered a broad landscape of opinion that her anti- culture stance actually acted to create a fertile environment for some fine British independent films and music.

But come 2009, with a sleaze- ridden cabinet, inevitable vultures circling round No. 10 and rise of the BNP what can Gordy do?

Get some musical accompaniment and maybe take a leaf out of the PNP in Jamaica.
They were boosted by the vocal encouragement of one Cutty Ranks, seen here in raucous form at a PNP Rally in 1986...

So with Gordon on the rocks and his concern for recent #BGT finalist Susan Boyle, surely a sly ploy to boost his ratings and provide his D- REAM moment, may I suggest he takes a look in the history books and see a return to piano- driven house is surely on the cards...

Two recent efforts from Aeroplane and Joakim, heavy on the ol' joanna.

Baby I Can't Stop (Aeroplane Remix) - Lindstrøm & Solale

Joakim - Watermelon Bubblicious

1 comment:

  1. nice post - good squelchy stuff from the ever-versatile Joakim!
